24 July 2023, 19:10

Hillmont Partners represented GIR Group of Companies in a complex debt settlement dispute

Hillmont Partners

Hillmont Partners has provided full legal support to General Investment Resources (GIR), a leading national company involved in the production of refractory materials, in the resolution of a debt dispute with U Commodities LLC, a natural gas supplier.

The dispute arose due to debts owed by GIR Group's plants for natural gas supplied by U Commodities LLC. When the war began, the PJSC KDZ and Druzhkovka Refractory Plant found themselves in the war zone and halted production.

To resolve the dispute, a financial company was enlisted to buy the debt claims. Hillmont Partners' lawyers represented GIR Group in this case, including in the preparation, corporate and tax structuring and drafting of documentation for the transaction. They also advised on re-registration of the client's business in Lviv and relocation of production facilities to Dnipro.

As a result of the transaction, the debt dispute between GIR Group and the gas supplier was settled. The business is currently working on restarting the operations of KDZ and Druzhkovka Refractory Plant.

Hillmont Partners was represented by senior partner Valentyn Zasukha and the team of the Lviv office led by its partner Andrian Artsishevsky.


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