13 July 2023, 13:19

INTEGRITES gathered Ukrainian lawyers at the first Peer MeetUp


On July 5, 2023, INTEGRITES hosted the first Peer MeetUp, informal networking event for the Ukrainian legal services market. Guests – representatives of domestic and international law firms, in-house counsel of large companies – had an opportunity to socialize and to contribute to a charity cause.


At the event managing partner Oleksiy Feliv announced that INTEGRITES raises UAH 1 million for the wards of the "Children of Heroes" foundation – children who lost one or both parents during the war of russia against Ukraine and suffered because of the destruction of the Kakhovka dam.


The fundraiser at the INTEGRITES Peer MeetUp collected UAH 209,302 with instant donations and charity auction conducted by the "Children of Heroes" co-founder Hanna Khomenko. The auction items were t-shirts with prints based on patriotic drawings created by the foundation's wards during art therapy classes. "Children of Heroes" will direct the collected funds to help children who remain in the zone affected by the ecological disaster caused by the destruction of the Kakhovka dam. Children and their guardians evacuated from the disaster zone will be provided with humanitarian aid (clothing, food, medicines, household items). Water filtration systems and pills for water disinfection will be provided to those who remain in the affected area and neighbouring regions and experience problems with water supply. The funds will also be used to provide psychological assistance.


To join the fundraiser with a donation.

INTEGRITES Peer MeetUp took place at the Kyiv National Academic Operetta’s Theater, supported by its Director General and Art Director Bohdan Strutynskyi. Media partner of the event was the leading Ukrainian media for lawyers "Yurydychna Gazeta".

І2 Oleksiy Feliv, managing partner, INTEGRITES: “During the war, offline meetings with good friends have gained a special meaning to Ukrainians, and lawyers are no exception. We got together with our fellow colleagues in the extremely difficult times to remind all of us: when we are together and support each other, we are stronger. With the guests of the Peer MeetUp which we plan to turn into tradition, we gave a start to an important charity cause for the "Children of Heroes" foundation, having collected a part of the major target – UAH 1 million. We at INTEGRITES call on to lawyers in Ukraine and abroad to join the fundraiser. The children we support now will strengthen Ukraine and represent it in the world: this makes every donation an investment in the future of our country.”


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