26 June 2024, 12:46

Sayenko Kharenko lawyers contributed to the Ukraine Investment Guide

Sayenko Kharenko

Mykhailo Grynyshyn, Counsel, and Zarina Khalimon, Associate, have contributed to the corporate governance chapter of the Ukraine Investment Guide.

The “Ukraine Investment Guide” offers valuable insights into Ukraine’s ongoing reconstruction efforts and investment opportunities. It highlights the government’s priority sectors and provides a detailed overview of critical industries and the overall investment landscape. Notably, the guide includes information on 95 investment projects with a total value exceeding USD 27 billion.

Key features of the guide include:

  • Current economic outlook
  • Rule of law
  • Government priorities
  • Detailed investment projects

For further details, you can access the “Ukraine Investment Guide” through the link.

Sayenko Kharenko remains committed to providing expertise and support to investors looking to navigate and capitalise on the dynamic investment environment in Ukraine.


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