25 July 2024, 16:17

Another victory in the fight against «black registrars» in Ukraine: the Ministry of Justice canceled the illegal registration of the director of Olimpex Coupe International LLC

The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine has made a final answer the question of who is the director of the Odesa grain terminal operator Olimpex Coupe International LLC, after another illegal change of the company's director in favor of businessmen Serhiy Groza and Volodymyr Naumenko (former owners of the GNT Group).

The decision of the Ministry of Justice was a reaction to the claim made by Madison Pacific Trust Limited, which represents the interests of the well-known American fund Argentem Creek Partners (ACP) regarding the registration action, as a result of which there was a change of the director of Olimpex Coupe International LLC, and O. Dyatlev was appointed. The registration of the new director took place despite the fact that on May 27 the Commercial Court of the Lviv region, which is considering the bankruptcy case of Olimpex Coupe International LLC, passed a court injunction against the change of the director. Nevertheless, registrar Tkachenko E.B. took a risk and performed an illegal act.

The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, responding to the complaint of Madison Pacific Trust Limited, issued an order on July 22 that satisfied and canceled the registration action dated May 28, 2024 No. 1005561070069083615 "State registration of changes to information on a legal entity." Due to serious violations, the state registrar of Petrovirivska village council of Bereziv district of Odesa region E. Tkachenko is now disconnected from the registry.

By its decision, the Ministry of Justice confirmed that the only legal director of LLC Olimpex Coupe International is the administrator of the property, the bankruptcy manager Oleksiy Sokol.

Earlier, on June 10, the Minister of Justice Denys Malyuska in an extraordinary order (applied in cases of serious violation of legislation in the field of state registration) decided to cancel the illegal registration actions of the state registrar of the Buska City Council N. Datskiv, dated 30.05.2024, which referred to a non-existent court decision prohibiting registration actions against LLC Olimpex Coupe International and LLC Metalzukraine Corp Ltd in order to block the registry and legalize O. Dyatlev as a director of Olimpex. The registrar N. Datskiv herself filed a complaint to the Ministry of Justice, stating that her electronic key to the registry was stolen, and registration actions were made by an unknown person, using her key.

Crude attempts to illegally carry out registration actions took place in the interests of scandalous businessmen Serhii Groza and Volodymyr Naumenko, ex-owners of the GNT Group, with the ultimate goal — to keep control over the Odessa grain terminal and prevent the takeover of assets in favor of the American creditor, to whom the businessmen owed more than one and a half hundred million USA dollars.

Earlier, the mass media reported that most of the assets of Olimpex under the leadership of director Vitaly Marchenko were transferred to companies controlled by the former owners — Groza and Naumenko. At the same time, Olimpex appeared at the center of an investigation of possible participation in smuggling schemes for the export of grain in the interests of Vadym Alperin, who is known in Ukraine as the "king of smuggling" and at the same time is included in the sanctions lists.


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