01 липня 2024, 19:09

Political scientist Yuliy Kaloev explains how the mistakes of political scientists destroy the image of politicians, using the example of Tishchenko

Polytechnic expert Yulian Kaloev spoke about the mistakes of political scientists, which destroy the career and image of politicians, on the case of the scandalous People's Deputy Mykola Tyshchenko.

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He emphasized that at first he was surprised by the absolute unprofessionalism of Tyshchenko's team, but, according to Kaloyev, he later realized that there are no Tyshchenko political scientists, because the number of mistakes is too great.

In addition, he told what strategy would be a win-win for the people's deputy and would bring him the support of society.

"I have a lot of work experience as a political scientist and political technologist, and I would not advise a people's elected official to use such a strategy for self-promotion. The actions that Mykola Tyshchenko did are suitable for a public figure, if you identify illegal organizations that deceive people by extorting money from them, such call centers," noted Yulian Kaloev.

Moreover, in his opinion, Mykola Tyshchenko destroyed himself in the eyes of the voters by his "good deeds".

The political scientist noted that law enforcement agencies, not deputies, should fight against fraudulent call centers. According to Kaloev, the latter should act differently.

"The People's Deputy must show his intellectual abilities by raising issues at the legislative level, sending requests to law enforcement agencies, indicating where fraudulent organizations are located and monitoring the work of law enforcement agencies to identify fraudsters and bring the issue to court, where all participants receive real terms according to the law ", the polytechnic expert noted.

In addition, Yulian Kaloev emphasized that the voters want to see in the people's elected representative the fair work of laws and law enforcement agencies.

Noteworthy: the political scientist expressed the opinion that the initial idea, to increase public trust by fighting fraudulent call centers, is not a bad one. However, Tyshchenko did not succeed, because his real goal was his own financial gain. According to Kaloyev, this fact is easily confirmed by audio recordings of phone conversations of the people's deputy. The political expert emphasized that Tyshchenko's PR campaign was a failure, and this significantly destroyed confidence in him among voters.


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