15 June 2021, 8:21

Asters supports "She is Science" charity event promoting gender equality in Ukraine


Asters supported "She is Science" charity event held in Kyiv on 10 June 2021 with over a hundred attending guests including governmental officers, diplomats, business managers and public figures. This event was a part of "She is Science" project organized by STEM is FEM educational initiative with the support of UN Women in Ukraine and UNICEF in Ukraine. Asters acts as a pro bono legal counsel of this project.

Opening up the event, the First Lady Olena Zelenska participated in a public talk with talented Ukrainian girls discussing their volunteer experience and gender equality issues in education and science.

The results of the national contest of essays about prominent Ukrainian female scientists were announced at the event. On behalf of the firm Julia Semeniy (Partner, Head of IP practice at Asters) and Yuna Potomkina (Head of ADR practice) awarded Bogdana Yakobchuk, one of the contest's winners, with a grant for her studies at the Ukrainian Catholic University.

"As the first Ukrainian law firm to sign the UNFPA's Declaration for Gender Equality and Prevention of Domestic Violence we at Asters are glad to support "She is Science" project emphasizing that both women and men contribute to the development of any sphere, whether law or STEM," Yuna Potomkina comments.


"We sincerely congratulate Bogdana Yakobchuk on her achievement. Asters is a general partner of UCU Law School, and that's why we are even more happy to help Bogdana to make her dream of studying at the Ukrainian Catholic University come true, " – Julia Semeniy says.

Asters has always viewed corporate social responsibility as an important part of its mission. In 2020 Asters was proclaimed as The most socially responsible law firm in Ukraine by the annual PLS Top Teams research held by Legal Practice weekly. Learn more about Asters' CSR projects here.


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