21 November 2023, 12:44
A comprehensive survey among law firm partners focused on WCC has yielded significant insights into the industry trends.
14 September 2023, 15:39
Last week, rumors surfaced that the Russian government was preparing an "asset swap" proposal. The idea of exchanging Russian assets frozen in foreign jurisdictions for p…
04 September 2023, 15:03
On August 9, the Parliament of Ukraine adopted draft law no. 8138 in the second reading and as a whole as a Law, aimed at improving the current regulation of provision of…
11 August 2023, 17:17
Оn August 9, 2023 the Parliament of Ukraine adopted draft law no. 5431, significantly amending the legislation concerning authorities of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukr…
24 July 2023, 18:05
On July 13 the Parliament adopted draft law no. 8410, amending the law of Ukraine “On Environmental Impact Assessment”. The draft law as a whole is aimed at improving the…
05 May 2023, 16:40
Russia’s invasion to Ukraine commenced on February 24, 2022 and continuing to date has affected all spheres of life and maritime business was not an exception. The aggres…
19 July 2022, 10:37
Everything in this life has its rules, limitations and laws. War and its other interpretations, be it military operation or armed conflict, are no exception. However, not…
01 July 2022, 12:34
Ukraine’s legal community believes right now that getting compensation for damages caused by Russia’s military aggression through litigation in domestic courts is suffici…
07 April 2022, 11:59
On 7 March 2022 the Law of Ukraine No. 2116-IX “On the Basic Principles of Forcible Seizure in Ukraine of Property Objects of the Russian Federation and its Residents" (t…
17 March 2022, 16:21
The general principle governing the application and implementation of International humanitarian law is that every state has an obligation to respect and ensure complianc…
04 January 2022, 13:08
This article will describe the whole registration process of a Ukrainian Limited Liability Company, including all requirements and useful tips from practicing lawyers.
09 April 2021, 16:17
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a range of significant challenges to the global community, which require the mobilisation of efforts in politics, economics, technology,…
08 February 2021, 17:03
The live hearings are the apotheosis of professional communications, allowing to see in action the distinguished colleagues from all sides, to admire the work of other ex…
26 November 2020, 16:12
In accordance with the Civil Code of Ukraine, inheritance is the transfer of rights and obligations (inheritance) from an individual who died (testator) to other persons …
26 October 2020, 13:19
I will try here to give a short overview of the main European regulations concerning the principles of "KYC" as briefly as possible.