12 March 2021, 8:30

China Desk in Interlegal: clients’ support service for work in China and cooperation with Chinese companies


Interlegal launched China Desk for clients’ business legal support upon work in China and cooperation with Chinese companies. Interlegal senior associate Karyna Gorovaya is appointed as project manager.

Interlegal partner Arthur Nitsevych notes, “Development of our clients’ international business for a long time required to bear in mind unique specifications of Chinese partners, counteragents and local legislation. Therefore, creation of a dedicated team for this area was a natural step in the framework of Interlegal promotion. So we continue to implement renewed strategy of our firm – this year it will be the 25th anniversary of Interlegal practice”.

Interlegal partner Nikolay Melnykov highlights, “In order to develop such practice in Interlegal, we arranged partnership with a special Chinese law firm, as well as invited for cooperation an experienced lawyer having skills in Chinese and Ukrainian legislation”.

In the framework of China Desk services, Interlegal clients will obtain legal advice upon the following issues: Chinese legislation, analysis of trading schemes and contracts governed by Chinese law, advice upon product customs clearance, issuing local certificates, licenses and quotas required for export/import to China.

Our clients will also obtain full legal support for commercial deals with Chinese counteragents: starting from audit of the supplier in local state registers, up to trademark registration in China and intellectual property safety.

We presume that the updated service will be in demand, in particular, for Chinese product importers, freight forwarders, logistics companies and Ukrainian grain exporters.


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